

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the annual assessment?  When is it due?

The annual assessment for each home in the Olney Mill community is $68 per year. Assessments are due by January 31. Assessments that are not received by the due date may be charged a collection fee.

What is included in the annual dues? Why do I have to pay it?

In order for the initial developers of Olney Mill to obtain building permits, Montgomery County required them to establish a homeowner's association to oversee the maintenance of the common property. All Olney Mill homeowners are automatically members of the association and must share in the maintenance costs, as determined by the Board of Directors.

Annual Assessments are used to cover the costs of:

  • Maintenance and repair of the Mill House

  • Landscaping of common areas

  • Community Events

  • Insurance

  • Scholarship

how are trash collection and recycling handled in Olney Mill?

Each homeowner is responsible for contracting for trash removal service with a private company. Trash removal is not included in your annual assessment.Montgomery County collects recyclable items, such as yard waste, paper, metal, glass and plastic.